THE WEIGHT OF THE SOUL - A solo show at Wonderland SF
"The Weight of the Soul", my first solo show, opened last Saturday, October 14th at Wonderland SF and will be up until the end of November. I could not be more thankful to Irene H Feiks, owner of Wonderland SF, for giving me such an amazing opportunity and believing in me.
The good thing about showing a whole series is that gave me more freedom to experiment and explore my concept in a deeper way. It was rewarding to take some risks and incorporate texture and new elements in my paintings. The viewers seemed to appreciate it and asked me many questions about my different mediums. In some paintings I used sand and/or resin, paper, dried petals, actual stones, etc. It was a very special night and I'm really thankful to everyone who came to support.
The show will be up until the November, so feel free to stop by Wonderland SF, 1266 Valencia St, San Francisco, it opens every day!